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faisal hasan
Oct 12, 2022
In Social Media Forum
In today's speedy world, everyone has a busy and fast paced lifestyle. People want everything at their fingertips and done at the click of a button. Why not a consultation with an online doctor? Online consultation with a doctor provides patients with a facility for health information exchange without seeing or visiting a doctor personally in his/her clinic. Though online consultation is not a complete alternative for personal medical treatment, but it does give several advantages to the patient over visiting the doctor's clinic. Nowadays, people have wide awareness about their personal health conditions and they need more education and counseling on the subject of their particular medical issues. Normally, a person has to dedicate considerable amount of time in giving a personal visit to doctor's clinic. An online consultation with doctor usually overcomes all the boundaries and at the same time it provides most useful specialty information, which normally a person is trying to seek with ease and at their own comfort, without any need for waiting in consultation room to have a meeting with the doctor. At this point in time there are many websites and variety of health care companies which are offering online doctor services to their customers at low or absolutely no costs. Wide range of specialty doctors are employed with these websites, who have significant years of experience and status in their respective fields. These websites work with an intention to provide best affordable, reliable and expert medical advice to the patients sitting at distant areas. Salient features of online consultations: All kind of specialty doctors are available 24 x 7 for providing solutions to patients' and also promise to provide a solution within 24 hours time and also to deal with special cases. If the online consultation is a paid service, the amount taken from the patient is returned back if the patient is not satisfied with the good Doctor Information communication consultation by doctors. Online consultation can also be a free of cost facility especially if it's a follow up query. Mode of communication could be through a forum platform or via email or if required can be through video chat. All conversations are strictly confidential and are not misused, they are completely safe. Consultation with an online doctor can be faster as compared to their clinical consultation. Also the patient who is seeking an advice through online consultation don't have to face the hassles of doctor's clinic, like waiting for a long time etc. Online consultation overcomes geographic boundaries so the patient in rural area can also have an opportunity for good health care option. It gives better availability of medical facilities such as information on illness, counseling, and awareness about illness, preventive measures etc. Online consultation is very cost effective as the consultation provided online is very less expensive as compared to the proper doctor's visit. Travelling is not required for online medical consultation, so it saves time and also the hectic travel. Eventually this saves significant amount of time and money on doctor's visit. Online consultations are of great help for the people who are seeking basic primary healthcare. When it comes to care of elderly people or people with prolonged illness and hospital stay, and some types of illnesses which require medical emergency, online consultation is not a good alternative. Best Doctor For USA
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faisal hasan
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